Trend Watch: Fall Florals

Floral isn’t just for spring and summer anymore — this fall is all about florals in rich jewel tones and darker hues to take you into the cooler months. Even though my boyfriend some people often associate the feminine print with Grandma garb, this fall’s floral has been anything but. We’re used to floral being more delicate and sweet, but some fall 2014 patterns have been borderline badass which I’m really into.

To dip a toe into this trend, test out the waters with a floral d’Orsay flat, clutch, or nail decals (obsessed with Jamberry). To dive right in, go with a floral dress, skirt, or trench (like Blake Lively’s fab metallic number below)!
Crop Top: Newlook | iPhone Case: Kate Spade | Backpack: Betsey Johnson | Nail Decals: Jamberry | Ring: Kate Spade | Skirt: Carven | Flower Studs: Catherine Stein | Scarf: Lily and Lionel | Bangle: Kate Spade | Peplum Top: J. Crew | d’Orsay Flats: Jeffrey Campbell | Clutch: Marc Jacobs | Blake Lively’s Trench: Valentino (a little cheaper here!)

Don’t you love how versatile this trend is? Although it’s super easy to go girlie, try to edge it up with a floral bomber jacket (like the one on Song of Style above) or wrap on the Lily and Lionel scarf with leather leggings and a sweater. The possibilities are endless.

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