#SBScon Recap


Time for my Southern Blog Society Conference recap, y’all! As I mentioned in last week’s #SBScon outfit posts, this fab weekend was one I’ll never forget. So what exactly did we do all weekend? Take a look at some of the highlights.


On Friday we kicked off the weekend at Charleston Place with cocktails on the terrace, hosted by Swoozies. This gave us a chance to mingle with fellow blogger babes, sip & snack, and most importantly, play with selfie sticks. Check out my Instagram for the most epic selfie of the weekend!


The sweethearts at Swoozies provided some adorable party decor, “blog star fuel” aka mini cookies, and endless amounts of confetti. Needless to say I felt right at home. As party favors, we all got personalized notepads with our blog names printed across the top. Perfect for day 2 notetaking!


I started the conference right with my blogger bestie Miss Tara Belle by my side! Got to spend some maj quality time with this gal all weekend, which is always a fun time.


Day 2 started with an early morning at Charleston Grill to fuel up for a long day of learning and networking! After breakfast, we walked across the street to the Riviera Theatre. Spotted: 1/2 of my body straggling behind in our sassy “strutting across the street” shot. Nailed it.


The babes who made it all possible, Cathy of Poor Little It Girl and Jessica of My Style Vita, gave a little intro to the conference. Look at Tara and me in deep concentration and taking diligent notes! Model students, anyone?


#SBScon gave us all the materials we needed to crush the conference. Not pictured: lots and lots of coffee. We were then ready to listen to the fabulous speakers, including The Fox & She, ShopStyle Collective, Amy Northard CPA, ESPNW, People StyleWatch, and Stupid Good Photography Tips. We learned things like web design tips, utilizing Google Analytics, how to monetize your blog, and accounting for creatives. The information was SO useful and I left feeling ~inspired~ and super excited to take the next steps with my blog. Stay tuned for some big thangs coming soon!


Now that we got all the learning out of the way, it was time for the fun stuff – networking with the fabulous brands! There were tables set up all around the room with some amazing clothing, beauty, and accessory brands. We grabbed mimosas, made our way around the room, and networked our little hearts out. We even got our very own Vera Bradley tote (above, left) to put all the surcies that the brands oh-so generously gave us!


Moon & Lola always knows the way to my heart. Their setup was decked out with balloons, pineapples, and lots of bright jewels, which everyone knows are total blogger magnets. The M&L girls even gave us all a dainty pineapple bangle (that I’ve been wearing nonstop ever since)!


One of my favorites of the afternoon was My Kind of Lovely. Not only is everything from this boutique “totes adorbs” (to put it in their words), but I instantly fell in love with the sweethearts that own it. I’m sure they’ll make a lot of appearances on the blog soon, so look out for lots of cuteness to come.


Did I mention Swoozies is the most fun company ever?! If you need party decor, favors, or just want to treat yourself to something fun, these are your peeps.


Among my other faves of the day, DressUp, Hallmark Signature, and of course, Lilly Pulitzer. There were SO many more that I loved but I don’t want to bore you guys too much, so keep an eye out on my insta for more of the brands at the conference and the goodies they gave us!


Missing #SBScon already! Can’t wait until next year!

Photos by Kim Graham

{If you missed my outfit recaps, take a peek at day 1, day 2, and day 3.}