
Born and raised in lovely Charlottesville, VA, I’m now enjoying my new home in Washington, DC. I started my blog, originally called TopKnots & PolkaDots, in August 2013 when I had just moved to Charleston, SC. As long as I can remember I’ve loved putting together outfits, and my friends and family were always asking me how to wear certain pieces. I finally decided to put my thoughts on the internet, and this blog was born!

I wanted to change my blog name from TK&PD back in 2015, but was afraid of the logistics of a total rebrand. Although topknots & polka dots will always be my jam, I made that name sort of arbitrarily one day as a 22 year old – never thinking that it would grow into what it is today. So I finally decided to take the advice that I’m always giving others and just went for it, crossing bridges as I got to them. Welcome to the new and improved blog, officially Chlo & Tell, where I show (and tell!) you guys about fun new styles, favorite things, my travels, food (duh), and a little bit of life.

If I had to describe my personal style, it would have to be trendy yet classic, and feminine with an edge. My wardrobe is a mixture of on-trend pieces, classic staples that I’ve had forever, some thrift store finds, and probably way too many florals and stripes. The thing about my blog is that I’m not a model and I’m not a millionaire – I like to showcase more affordable, achievable looks that can inspire real-life, everyday fashion. My goal is to inspire y’all to flirt with new fads while staying true to your signature style. Be fearless but keep your individuality – because fashion is temporary and says “hey, me too,” while style is timeless and says “this is just me.”

I hope you enjoy following along as I explore my city, my fashion sense, and whatever pops into my mind on a given day ❤️ If you ever have questions, comments, suggestions for what you’d like to see on the blog, or want to grab a mint iced coffee at my favorite spot in DC, please send me a note. I’d love to hear from you!